Thursday, March 13, 2008

Circus on Saturday!

Last night, after the kids were dropped off, Owen was sitting next to me on the couch, snuggling with me like he does every night. Then he starts to giggle and hug me and sing, "I'm never gonna let you go, I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever!" over and over again! This is a song I have often sung to him this past year, and I'll tell you what, hearing him sing it back to me is absolutely wonderful! Most beautiful song I have ever heard!!
We are going to the circus on Saturday, and Owen is so very excited! He is looking forward to the clowns most of all-they make him giggle!! One night before Christmas, we were leaving Children's hospital and were waiting to go out into the blustering cold when off of the elevator walked a clown. He must have been tired from going to different floors and rooms, but he stopped and did a show for Owen. That was the first time I had heard Owen laugh like that in I honestly don't know how long. There is nothing that I love to hear more than the laughter of my children!
May this day bring laughter and happiness to everyone!

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